CyberTracker XlsForm Reference Manual


CyberTracker is a universal data collection application which runs on mobile devices. One of the supported formats is XlsForm.

XlsForm has an extension mechanism which allows users to activate CyberTracker behavior without affecting the semantics of the form.

This reference manual descibes the CyberTracker extensions. Note that XlsForms are simply an Excel files and the extensions are columns in the worksheets.

There are three kinds of customization:

  • Views, e.g. grid styles for single and multi-select lists
  • Behaviors, e.g. GPS track logs and save targets
  • Developer code, e.g. a new widget


CyberTracker supports ODK Central, KoBoToolbox and Survey123.

The CyberTracker extensions do not affect the semantics of the form and are transparent to backends. It is possible to use the same form to collect data across platforms (web, ODKCollect, etc) with a single form. In this scenario, CyberTracker would be chosen as a way to meet the needs of specific field workers.


While CyberTracker supports most of the commonly used XlsForm features, it is not as mature as the existing data collection tools like ODK Collect, Kobo Collect and Survey123. Users should prefer to use those tools for mission critical projects.

Table of Contents

Initial setup

The following columns on the settings sheet are needed to begin using the CyberTracker extensions.

namespace (required)

The ct namespace tells other XlsForm tools to ignore columns starting with bind::ct:.

title version namespaces
My Form 2022101001 ct=""

The version field is used to track form versions over time. While not strictly required, it is a best practice to keep this field up to date. The XlsForm specification recommends the convention of ‘yyyymmddrr’. For example, 2022021501 is the 1st revision from Feb 15th, 2022.



Setting this to yes causes the UI to use the wizard exclusively, i.e. there is no Home page. Default is no.

title bind::ct:immersive
My Form yes

In the table below, the user context is always within a sighting and each page typically holds one question. Pressing the options button (highlighted in the first image) navigates to a new page which shows the current sighting on one tab and all sightings on the other. The user can edit previous sightings, but when editing is complete, the wizard will revert to the original sighting.


If the immersive column is missing or set to no, then the UI reverts to non-immersive mode. In this case, there is a Home page which shows all sightings. The user returns to this page after saving a sighting.

title bind::ct:wizardMode
My Form yes

If wizardMode is set to no, then all questions show on a single page. This mode is recommended when wanting to show all sighting data at once and is the most conventional.

If wizardMode is set to yes, then each question will appear on its own page with Back and Next toolbar buttons to navigate between questions. The user will still return to the Home page between sightings. wizardMode appears on the Settings page as Page mode.

summaryText and summaryIcon

The summary attribute specifies which fields to use as the summary of a sighting on the Home page. For example:

type name label
text f_initial_text Initial note
select_one animal f_animal Animal
select_multiple behavior f_behavior Behavior
text f_final_text Final note

The following setting will ensure that the summary text only uses the f_animal and f_behavior questions. Similarly, the summary icon will be taken from the f_animal question.

title bind::ct:summaryText bind::ct:summaryIcon
My Form f_animal f_behavior f_animal


The colors attribute specifies the color scheme used on the form. It follows the Material Design system:

title bind::ct:colors.primary bind::ct:colors.accent
My Form #6200EE green

The following color fields are supported:

  • primary & primaryDark
  • accent & accentDark
  • foreground & foregroundDark
  • background & backgroundDark

Colors suffixed with ‘dark’ will be used when dark mode is activated. If dark colors are not provided, then ‘primary’ and ‘accent’ colors will be used, but ‘foreground’ and ‘background’ colors will be ignored.

Colors can also be provided as a JSON object:

title bind::ct:colors
My Form { "primary": "#6200EE", "accent": "green" }

icon, iconDark and subtitle

The icon attribute specifies the icon used to display the project. iconDark is optional and will used when dark mode is enabled.

The subtitle attribute specifies the text just below the form name.

title bind::ct:icon bind::ct:subtitle
My Form gorilla.png Custom subtitle

The icon image should be added to the form as an attached media file. In KoBoToolbox, this is done under the form settings option:


The offlineMapUrl attribute specifies a url to a downloadable zip file containing map layers. Offline maps can be added manually using the mobile app, but this provides a way to specify them with the form. The map will be downloaded, installed and updated as part of the form.

title bind::ct:offlineMapUrl
My Form

See the section on Offline maps for more information.


When using Survey123, CyberTracker supports uploading locations and tracks to a hosted feature service. In this case, the feature service is specified in the bind::ct:locationServiceUrl column:

title bind::ct:locationServiceUrl
My Form

The feature service can be created using the CyberTracker Mobile application from the Settings page of a Survey123 project or using the Desktop Simulator (see Download page). There is an option off the Tools menu called Create ArcGIS location service. This tool will automatically create and configure a hosted service which is compatible with CyberTracker:

After clicking Start, the tool will display the following:

The feature service contains three layers: Tracks (point layer), Last Known Locations (point layer) and Track Lines (Polyline layer).

If this service is not specified, then tracks are placed in a file type question of the sighting. See Tracks.


If using Survey123, CyberTracker can send the current location at regular intervals - separately from tracks. The value is in seconds and is user configurable via the form Settings page on the device. This specifies the default value. bind::ct:locationServiceUrl must be configured.

title bind::ct:sendLocationInterval
My Form 30


Auto-submit at a timer interval. The value is in seconds and is user configurable via the form Settings page on the device. It is equivalent to manually pressing the Submit button. The default value is 0 meaning auto-submission is disabled. A value of 1 means that submit is combined with the save operation.

title bind::ct:submitInterval
My Form 300

The header object supports custom header attributes. If no header object is specified, then the default header is used. By default, the header title is taken from the question label.

color and colorDark

By default, the header background color is taken from the settings sheet. However, it is possible to override it on an individual page.

type bind::ct:header.color bind::ct:header.colorDark
select_one... #ff0000 #800000


Custom header text.

type name bind::ct:header.text
select_one animal Animal Custom question text


Custom smaller text above main title.

type name bind::ct:header.topText
select_one animal animal Custom top text


Type of the button in the top-right corner. Valid values are:

  • empty - by default no button is shown
  • track - the current state of the GPS track system
  • battery - the current state and level of the battery
type name bind::ct:header.button
select_one animal animal track

Tapping on the button will provide more information, e.g. the track frequency or the battery level.


Override the home icon with a custom icon.

type name bind::ct:header.homeIcon
select_one animal animal my_home_icon.svg


When editing a sighting in immersive mode, the system puts a Cancel button in the top left corner. Clicking this button will discard any edits. This property overrides the default icon used.

type name bind::ct:header.cancelIcon
select_one animal animal my_edit_cancel_icon.svg


When editing a sighting in immersive mode, the system puts a Confirm button in the top right corner. Clicking this button will accept edits made to the sighting. This property overrides the default icon used.

type name bind::ct:header.confirmIcon
select_one animal animal my_edit_confirm_icon.svg


If yes then the home button is hidden. Default is no.

type name bind::ct:header.hideHome
select_one animal animal yes


If yes then the header is hidden. Default is no.

type name bind::ct:header.hidden
select_one animal animal no


A QML fragment to use instead of the built-in header. See Developer section. For example:

type name bind::ct:header.qml
select_one animal animal qml fragment

To set the header to a blue rectangle, replace qml fragment above with the following:

import QtQuick 2.15

Rectangle {
    color: "blue"
    height: 64


Base64 encoded QML (see qml above).


Name of a QML file which exists alongside other project files. This is not supported on ODK or KoBoToolbox, but can be used in Survey123.


The content section is the middle part of the screen between the header and footer. By default it automatically selects a control for the question type, e.g. a date selector for a date question. By specifying a custom content object, more styles are available. This is especially useful for customizing lists.

color and colorDark

By default, the content background color is taken from the settings sheet. However, it is possible to override it on an individual page.

type bind::ct:content.color bind::ct:content.colorDark
select_one... #a0b0c0 #102030


Frame width around the content area of the page. Default is 16.

type name bind::ct:content.frameWidth
select_one animal animal 0

In this case, frameWidth was set to 0 in the second image.


The visual appearance of the question.

type name
select_one animal animal IconOnly

For select_one questions

  • (not specified)
  • IconOnly
  • TextOnly
  • TextBesideIcon
  • TextUnderIcon

For select_multiple questions:

  • (not specified)
  • IconInlay
  • IconOnly
  • TextOnly
  • TextBesideIcon

For number list groups:

  • (not specified)
  • IconOnly
  • TextOnly
  • TextBesideIcon

Number lists are a set of questions inside a group. The appearance column must be set to field-list to force all group questions to appear on the same page:

type name label appearance
begin group numberlist Number list IconOnly field-list
integer number1 Number 1
integer number2 Number 2
integer number3 Number 3
integer number4 Number 3
integer number5 Number 5
end group

For range questions:

type name parameters bind::ct:content.columns
range animal_count start=1 end=100 step=1 Grid 5

For a fixed number of image questions:

type name label appearance
begin group photogroup Group photos Grid field-list
image image1 Photo
image image2 Photo 2
image image3 Photo 3
image image4 Photo 4
end group

For a dynamic number of image questions:

type name label
begin repeat photogroup Repeat photos Grid
image image Photo
end repeat

Ignored for other question types.


The padding space between grid items. Requires style to be set.

type name bind::ct:content.padding
select_one animal animal 8

Padding values are 0, 4 and 8.


Number of columns for grids. Requires style to be set. Defaults to 2.

type name bind::ct:content.columns
select_one animal animal Grid 4

For example, column values below are 3, 5 and 10.


Show lines between cells for grids. Requires style to be set. Defaults to true.

type name bind::ct:content.lines
select_one animal animal IconOnly no

lines value below is yes and no.


Show border around the outside of a grid. Requires style to be set. Defaults to no if frameWidth is 0, yes otherwise.

type name bind::ct:content.border
select_one animal animal IconOnly yes

Border value is yes and no.


Border width for grid lines. Requires style to be set. Defaults to 2.

type name bind::ct:content.borderWidth
select_one animal animal IconOnly 2

borderWidth value is 2 and 4.


Size text font size. Requires style to be set. Defaults to 16. Note that the font is subject to scaling according to the Font size in the main Settings page.

type name bind::ct:content.fontSize
select_one animal animal IconOnly 14

fontSize values are 10, 14 and 18.


Set font to bold. Requires style to be set. Defaults to false.

type name bind::ct:content.fontBold
select_one animal animal IconOnly yes


Set height of individual items. Requires style to be set. Defaults to 48.

type name bind::ct:content.itemHeight
select_one animal animal IconOnly 48

itemHeight values are 48, 64 and 128.


A QML fragment to use instead of the built-in content. See Developer section. For example:

type name bind::ct:content.qml
integer animal_count qml fragment

To set the content to a blue rectangle, replace qml fragment above with the following:

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15

Rectangle {
    color: "blue"
    Button {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        text: "Click me"
        onClicked: parent.color = "red"

In the example, the content is blue, then changes to red when the button is clicked.


Base64 encoded QML (see qml above).


Name of a QML file which exists alongside other project files. This is not supported on ODK or KoBoToolbox, but can be used in Survey123.

The footer object supports custom control buttons, e.g. home, back, next, save, etc. If no footer object is specified, then the default control is used.


buttons is text which specifies which buttons should be shown on the footer toolbar.

type name bind::ct:footer.buttons
select_one animal back next index save map

home button

The home button returns to the Home page. In immersive mode, this returns to the Projects page, otherwise it returns to the project home page.

back button

The back button navigates to the prior question on the form. If the wizard is at the start of the form, the back button is hidden.

next button

The next button navigates to the next question on the form. If there is no next question, then the next button is hidden.

save button

The save button will attempt to save the current sighting. If the sighting has invalid data, then the Index page will be shown with invalid fields highlighted.

nextOrSave button

The nextOrSave button will show as a next button unless there are no more questions, in which case it will become a save button.

index button

The index button displays a list of all the form questions. Selecting a question will navigate the wizard to it directly. A jump-to-last button on the top right of the header will jump to the next required question. If all required questions are filled in, then it jumps to the last question.

options button

The options button is only available in immersive mode. In non-immersive mode, it becomes the index button (see above).

The options button shows an options page with two tabs: current sighting and saved sightings:

map button

The map button opens the map dialog.

Custom button icons

The button icons can be overridden with custom ones. To do this, create columns with the name of the button followed by Icon. For example:

  • homeIcon
  • backIcon
  • nextIcon
  • saveIcon
  • indexIcon
  • optionsIcon
  • mapIcon
type name bind::ct:footer.mapIcon
select_one animal my_custom_map_icon.svg

color and colorDark

By default, the footer background color is taken from the settings sheet. However, it is possible to override it on an individual page.

type bind::ct:footer.color bind::ct:footer.colorDark
select_one... #0000ff #000080

buttonColor and buttonColorDark

Override the default button color with a custom one. This applies to all buttons.

type bind::ct:footer.buttonColor bind::ct:footer.buttonColorDark
select_one... #00a000 #20f020


An additional scaling factor to apply to the button size. This is typically useful for increasing the size of footer buttons. The scaling factor will be capped to allow at least 6 buttons to fit in the footer.

type bind::ct:footer.buttonScale
select_one... 3.5


If yes then the footer is hidden. Default is no.

type name bind::ct:footer.hidden
select_one animal animal no


A QML fragment to use instead of the built-in footer. See Developer section. For example:

type name bind::ct:footer.qml
integer animal_count qml fragment

To set the footer to a blue rectangle, replace qml fragment above with the following:

import QtQuick 2.15

Rectangle {
    color: "blue"
    height: 64


Base64 encoded QML (see qml above).


Name of a QML file which exists alongside other project files. This is not supported on ODK or KoBoToolbox, but can be used in Survey123.


When the user presses the Save button, this triggers the save behavior.


Setting snapLocation to the name of a geopoint question will create a popup to acquire the GPS location. This feature is only active when wizardMode is enabled.

type name label
geopoint f_location Location
select_one animal f_animal Animal
text f_note Note
title bind::ct:save.snapLocation
My form f_location

In this example, the user flow will be:


In the example below, the user will be presented with a popup containing the choices Restart or Another. After the sighting is saved, a new sighting will be created starting at the targeted question. All prior question data will be replicated into the new sighting.

This value must be a valid JSON array.

type name label
select_one animal f_animal Animal
select_multiple behavior f_behavior Behavior
text f_note Note

restart and another are taken from the choices sheet in the saveTargets list name.

list_name name label
saveTarget restart Restart
saveTarget another Another

Note that question is the name of the targeted question in the survey table. If the question is not relevant, then this choice will be hidden.

title bind::ct:save.targets
My form [{ "choice": "restart", "question": "f_animal"}, { "choice": "another", "question": "f_behavior"}]

Note that if immersive is set to false, then the target list will automatically contain the home button. This option will save and return to the Home page without automatically creating a new sighting.


In the example below, there is a select_one question called f_track with choices start, stop and nochange. When the user presses Save, the track timer is adjusted depending on which choice was selected. The values in updateIntervalSeconds and distanceFilterMeters are the new track settings.

This value must be a valid JSON array.

type name label appearance
file f_track_file Track file hidden
select_one track_items f_track Configure track
text f_note Note
list_name name label
track_items start Start
track_items stop Stop
track_items nochange No change
title bind::ct:save.trackFile bind::ct:save.track
My form f_track_file [{ "condition": "selected(${f_track}, 'start')", "updateIntervalSeconds": 5, "distanceFilterMeters": 10 }, { "condition": "selected(${f_track},'stop')", "updateIntervalSeconds": 0, "snapTrack": true }]

condition is an XlsForm expression which activates this option if matched, e.g. ${start_stop}=’start’. Check out the ODK Form Logic documentation.

updateIntervalSeconds is the number of seconds between GPS readings. Set to 0 to disable the track timer.

distanceFilterMeters is the minimum distance between readings in meters. This is optional and by default no distance filter is used.

snapTrack causes the system to snapshot all the track points (since prior snap).

If using Survey123 and locationServiceUrl is specified, then the track data will be sent to the feature service. Otherwise, a track file will be created and added to a file type question in the form. See the section on the track file here.

Offline maps

What is an offline map?

Offline maps are map layers that are installed in CyberTracker. They can be used on the Map page. With the exception of WMS layers, they do not require a network connection.


An offline map package is a zip file containing one or more layer files. See this sample file. Note that the layers.json file is optional - by default the system will automatically discover files with supported extensions. Many map layers require several files with the same base name, for example shape files require a .shp, .shx, .dbf and .prj file. These should all be in the base directory of the zip file.

Package installation

On desktop, a map package can be installed using Install package from the File menu.

On mobile, maps can also be installed directly from the Offline maps page. This can be reached via Settings or the gear icon on the Map Layers page:

Layer order and opacity

CyberTracker will discover and install layers in a zip file automatically. While this is often acceptable, when there are multiple layers, it is useful to specify the order and opacity of each. To do this, add a layers.json file to the zip and specify each of the layers:

        "filename": "Gabon.mbtiles",
        "name": "Gabon",
        "active": true,
        "opacity": 1.0
        "filename": "Country.shp",
        "name": "World countries",
        "active": true,
        "opacity": 0.5

Note that the Settings page for offline maps also supports re-ordering the layers, sharing with others and even deleting them:


Offline map packages can be shared to other devices. This shares the entire original package, not just the selected layer.

Zoom to layer

On the Map Layers page, selecting the Zoom to button will zoom to the entire extent of the layer.

Supported formats

The following layer formats are supported:

  • ESRI formats: shapefile (shp), tile package (tpk), vector tiles package (vtpk)
  • CIB1, 5, 10
  • DTED0, 1, 2
  • GeoTIFF
  • HFA
  • HRE
  • IMG
  • JPEG
  • JPEG 2000
  • NITF
  • PNG
  • RPF
  • SRTM1, 2
  • Mosaic Dataset in SQLite (read-only)
  • MapBox: mbtiles
  • Google: KML
  • GeoJSON

WMS layers

Web Map Service is an online layer protocol. While these layers are actually online, they can be added as layers using the Offline map system. To do this, create a JSON file with the extension .wms and add it to the package zip file. For example:

    "layer": "0",
    "service": ""



For geopoint question types, the number of skipped readings before a fix is taken. The default value is 4. Some GPS devices return old readings before real readings. To overcome this, setting the fixCount will cause the system to require several readings before the final location is taken.

type name parameters
geopoint f_location fixCount=4

track file format

When the user presses Save and creates a track file, it is stored in a file field specified in the settings sheet in the bind::ct:save.trackFile column.

By default the format of the track is zipped geojson, but this can be changed by using the format parameter of the question itself. Supported values are geojson and kmz (not supported on Survey123).

Survey123 users should prefer to use a location service - see locationServiceUrl. If a location service is specified, this question should be removed.

type name appearance parameters
file f_track_file hidden format=kmz
title bind::ct:save.trackFile
My form f_track_file



CyberTracker is built on the Qt Framework. The Qt user-interface language is called QML and it provides a concise way to describe components and layouts. The scripting language is Javascript.

QML fragments can be added to an XlsForm. This enables a high degree of customization beyond what is already available. In particular it allows custom widgets and layouts to be used in data entry.


Install CyberTracker on your desktop computer by following the instructions on the Download page.

After launching, open the Window menu and select Toggle developer console.

Page layout

Each question in an XlsForm is given one page in the UI. The page is divided into 3 segments: header, content and footer:

Each can host QML and these are specified in the bind::ct:header.qml, bind::ct:content.qml and bind::ct:footer.qml columns. Note that you may also use qmlFile (file alongside project files) or qmlBase64 (base64 encoded QML).

recordUid and fieldUid

XlsForm question values are identified by their recordUid and fieldUid.

recordUid uniquely identifies the current record. For simple forms there is only record per sighting, but using repeats and groups, multiple records will be created.

fieldUid uniquely identifies the question within a form. It comes from the name column of the survey sheet.

Given the following form:

type name label bind::ct:content.qmlFile
text my_field_name My field name test.qml

And the following test.qml:

import QtQuick 2.15

Item {
    property string recordUid
    property string fieldUid

    Component.onCompleted: {
        console.log("recordUid = " + recordUid)
        console.log("fieldUid = " + fieldUid)

The developer console will output something like:

recordUid = 7f1ed933401b43878fee6f0d38c7f92a
fieldUid = my_field_name

Setting form values

Form values can be changed using a FieldBinding component. This enables change notifications so that the Label will automatically update when the button is clicked.

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import CyberTracker 1.0 as C

Item {
    property alias recordUid: fieldBinding.recordUid
    property alias fieldUid: fieldBinding.fieldUid

    C.FieldBinding {
        id: fieldBinding

    Label {
        x: 10
        y: 10
        text: fieldBinding.value

    Button {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        text: "Set field value"
        onClicked: {
            fieldBinding.setValue("Hello world!")

The console window will give an error of the form: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString when first launched, because fieldBinding.value is initially undefined. This is generally harmless, but can be removed by checking for undefined:

Label {
    x: 10
    y: 10
    text: fieldBinding.value || ""

Frequently Asked Questions

Which backends support XlsForm?

CyberTracker supports ODK Central, KoBoToolbox and Survey123.

Are CyberTracker extensions visible to other tools?

XlsForm extensions support custom columns by using the namespaces value in the settings sheet. Columns prefixed with bind::ct: are only used by CyberTracker and are ignored (but preserved) by other tools.